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Phase 1 Timetable

Phase 1 timetable


Undergraduate Course


Semester 1

Modules: Molecules, Genes and Diseases; Clinical Problem Solving; Tissues of the Body; Health and Disease in Populations; Metabolism


Semester 1 is an introduction to the world of medicine, and so starts at the molecular and cellular levels. The modules focus on biochemistry, genetics and histology with statistics as well. This gives you a start which you can build on for the other modules. Clinical problem solving is a module which allows you to put other modules together. 



Semester 2

Modules: Membranes and receptors; Musculoskeletal system; Cardiovascular system; Clinical Problem Solving; Mechanisms of Disease


Semester 2 has a


Semester 3

Modules: Infection; Respiratory system; Urinary system; Gastrointestinal system; Health psychology and human diversity


Semester 4

Modules: Health and disease in society; Reproductive system; Applied head and neck studies


Semester 5

Modules: Nervous system; Mechanisms in clinical pharmacology; Integrative module

Although only two new modules (integrative is a recap module), there is a lot of content in both Neuro and pharmacology. In the semester you will also have an SSC. 



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