Phase 1 Booklist
Here are our top tips for buying books for phase I
Buying books can seem a bit daunting and a huge expense to some. How do you know which you won't be able to survive without and which you won't touch? Well here we've provided a list of the books recommended by the medical school and some top tips to read before you start handing over your money.

Semester 4
Sociology as Applied to Medicine, Scambler, G., W.B. Saunders, 6th Edition, 2008
Testing Treatments: Better Research for Better Healthcare*, Evans, I., Thornton, H. and Chalmers, I., British Library, 2006
*Please note: this book can also be downloaded and printed (foc) from the James Lind Library website at
Do I have to buy all the books?
No - definitely not. Look for the MW symbol to see what we think are the essentials and worth spending your money on. All of these books are available to loan from the library.
This means the Medical School recommends you buy only one of these books - it's worth having a read through them both to see which you prefer.
This symbol means we highly recommend this book - visit the page 'top tips for first years' to see our advice on essential books for year one!

Top Tips!
make the most of the second-hand bookshop on campus where you’ll find some of the older editions of texts - very useful for non-essentials
Try looking for e-books online, make the most of your iPad!
nearby charity shops such as LOROS on Queen's Road have lots of medical textbooks donated by past students
for those you’ll need for the whole five years, it’s worth investing in the newest editions – gives a 5% discount to NUS extra card holders
the library bookshop also sells “bundles” at reduced prices compared to buying them separately
remember: all of the books on the list are available to loan from the library
Semester 1
Color Atlas of Histology, Gartner, L.P. & Hiatt, J.L., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 5 Rev Edition, 2009
Medical Physiology (with student consult online), Boron & Boulpaep, Saunders, 2nd Edition, 2008
Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, Barrett, Brooks, Boitano & Barman, McGraw Hill, 23rd Rev Edition, Sept 2009
Langman’s Medical Embryology, Sadler, T.W
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 11th Edition, 2009
Medical Biochemistry, Baynes, J.W. & Dominiczak, M.H., Mosby, 3rd Edition, 2009
Basic Medical Biochemistry, Lieberman, M. & Marks, A., Lippincott, 3rd Edition, 2009
Human Heredity: Principles and Issues, Cummings, R.M., Brooks Cole, 8th Edition, 2008
Lecture Notes on Epidemiology & Public Health, Farmer, R. et al., Blackwell Scientific, 5th Edition, 2004
Clinical Skills, Cox, N. & Roper,T.A., Oxford University Press, 2005
Macleod’s Clinical Examination, Douglas, G, Nicol, F & Robertson, C., Churchill Livingstone, 12th Edition, 2009
Semester 2
Clinically Oriented Anatomy (inc. CD-ROM), Moore, K.L. & Dalley, A.F., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 6th Edition, 2009
(Although it's not on the booklist, many students prefer Gray's Anatomy for Students, have a read through both to see which style you prefer.)
Integrated Pharmacology, Page, C.P. et al.
Mosby, 3rd Edition, 2009
Pharmacology (also included in Semester 5), Rang, H.P., Dale, M. M., Ritter, J & Moore P., Churchill Livingstone, 6th Edition, 2007
Core Pathology, Stevens, A. & Lowe, J., Mosby, 3rd Edition, 2009
General & Systematic Pathology, Underwood, J.C.F., Churchill Livingstone, 5th Edition, 2009
The Flesh and Bones of Medical Cell Biology, Norman, R.I. and Lodwick, D., Mosby, 2007
Semester 3
Medical Microbiology & Infection at a Glance, Gillespie, SH. & Bamford, KB., Wiley-Blackwell, 3rd Rev. Edition 2007
Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, Schaechter, M., Medoff, G. & Eisenstein, B., Williams & Wilkins, 4th Edition, 2006
Medical Microbiology: A Guide to Microbial Infections, Greenwood, D et al.
Churchill Livingstone, 17th ed, 2007
Basic Immunology, Abbas, A.K. & Lichtman, A.H.
Saunders, 3rd edition, 2010
Health Psychology, Ogden, J., Buckingham Open University, 4th Edition, 2007
Health Psychology, Taylor, S., New York McGraw-Hill, 7th Rev Edition, 2009