External Links
If you'd rather not talk to us about your problem, we've provided some links to the university's welfare services and other organisations. All services are confidential.
University of Leicester Welfare Service
Other services provided by Student Support and Development:

If you have any issues, the Medical Student Support Unit is now up and running and ready to help. They are based in the MSB and run by Dr Hales, Mrs Oppenheimer and Dr Burns.
email: ssu@le.ac.uk
phone: 0116 252 3336
visit Sheila Preston in the Student Support Unit to make an appointment
University of Leicester Welfare Services: Self-Help Guides
For self-help guides on the following topics and more, see here.
Eating Disorders
Loss & Bereavement
Self Harm
Temporary withdrawal from a course
Worried about a friend

Other sources of support

For health-related problems (inc. mental health) you could contact your GP, or (if you are registered) the Freemen's Common Health Centre, 161 Welford Road, Leicester. Telephone: 0844 815 1105

The Student Support (Mental Wellbeing) service can help with mental health issues. The office is in the Student Counselling Service and next to Freeman's Common Health Centre. Telephone: 0116 252 2283

You can speak to Nightline, a service for students by students who are trained to listen. Available 8pm-8am each day. Telephone: 0116 223 1230

The Samaritans offer a 24 hour anonymous telephone counselling line. You can talk to them about any issue that may be troubling you. Telephone: 08457 90 90 90
www.student.counselling.co.uk is a national website with plenty of information on particular issues, from academic to personal, health or other problems. There are plenty of links pointing you to further self-help material.